News From Fort Schuyler
December 20, 2000 - Volume 4, No. 39
WORKING WINTER BREAK - Each year during semester breaks cadets sail on commercial ships, both for the experience and to accumulate sea time toward their license. According to Director of Placement ANTHONY PALMIOTTI, Class of 1979, "...about thirty cadets [will] be going out over the winter break sailing on vessels from local tugs to Pacific coast tankers. We send out cadets over the winter and summer breaks and a small group who go in lieu of their second class cruise." In this regard, the current college catalog states: "Qualified candidates may, upon application to the Department of Marine Transportation, be selected to sail on a commercial ship in lieu of Summer Sea Term II...Candidates are selected...based upon academic and regimental performance. An extensive sea project is required."BACK FROM SEA - The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution research vessel ATLANTIS returned to its Cape Cod home port on December 15 after being away for 3-1/2. years. According to her master, GARY CHILJEAN, Class of 1969, ".. ATLANTIS is due for a drydocking and a full paint job. We'll be heading for a (warm) Tampa shipyard in January."
NAME IN THE NEWS - The "Weekend Warrior" column of the December 15 New York Times (p. E-48) featured New York area competitive darts teams. The columnist partnered in a match with AUSTIN DOOLEY, Class of 1996, who plays for the Bar East darts team. Austin is described as "..a former merchant mariner who took up darts because 'on a ship, you can't play pool.''' The article continues: "Austin eventually nailed a bull's eye for the win, and, following tradition, we shook hands with our opponents first, then with each other." [Perhaps darts would be a good game for a quiet corner of the Ship's Library on SST 2001.]
BUT NOT ALL THE NAMES WERE NAMED - Best wishes to another retiring member of the Fort Schuyler staff whose name was inadvertently omitted for last week's roster: ED RONE, Technical Specialist at the Engineering Department who came aboard in 1968 and worked with a generation of cadets ashore and afloat.
LARGESSE FOR SST 2001 - According to the most current Plan of the Week, one of the Maritime College's most outstanding graduating classes is continuing its generous ways: "The Class of 1947, through the Alumni Association, will be awarding 12 full tuition scholarships to eligible cadets for Summer Sea Term 2001. Any cadet who is interested in applying for one of these scholarships should see Prof. BAUMGART [Class of 1976] in the Engineering Department for details."
FINAL SHIP LOAN ? In a followup to last week's NFFS report that the EMPIRE STATE VI will be loaned to Mass Maritime for its winter sea term, ERHARD KOEHLER, Class of 1987, provides an update on the planned conversion of CAPE BON as the next Mass Maritime training ship at Bender Shipyard in Mobile: "The conversion is based on the EMPIRE STATE concept, and will feature converted cargo holds, and the construction of new deckhouses forward and aft. The existing steam propulsion plant will be retained, and a new auxiliary machinery space will be created in the number 4 hold immediately forward of the engine room.....The ship will be renamed ENTERPRISE, in honor of Mass Maritime's first training ship, and is expected to be delivered after approximately one year in the shipyard. MMA will cruise on the ENTERPRISE next year." Good news for Fort Schuyler, indeed.
ANOTHER 15 SUMMER SEA TERMS FOR TSES VI - Erhard, who is Manager of Direct Programs at MARAD's Office of Ship Operations, also reports that: "The renovation of the EMPIRE STATE VI will begin after this summer's training cruise. The first $500,000 installment is expected to be included in MARAD's budget, hopefully by the end of this week or early next week. This will pay for the reconstruction of the cadet toilet/shower spaces in the cargo holds, and some re-arrangement in number 4 hold. MARAD has included an additional $2M for further renovation work in its FY 2002 budget request. We are projecting EMPIRE STATE to remain in service through 2015 if we are successful in completing the habitability and infrastructure renovations."
NAVY FLAG OFFICER LIKED WHAT HE SAW - According to CDR ALLEN STUBBLEFIELD, Chairman of the Naval Science Department, Vice Admiral JOHN CRAINE, Chief of Naval Education and Training, paid a visit to our Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) Unit on December 12. ADM Craine, who is responsible for education and training of Navy and Marine Corps personnel, officer and enlisted, oversees a network of training and education programs in the U.S. and on ships at sea. According to CDR Stubblefield, "The Naval ROTC Unit at SUNY Maritime College has over 100 midshipmen who are training to become officers in either the Navy or Marine Corps after they receive their college degrees. Our midshipmen are motivated and extremely talented, and Admiral Craine was very impressed." At ease.