News From Fort Schuyler

March 12, 1999 - Volume 3, No. 13

MRS. MAGAVERO - The reception honoring Fil Magavero for her continuing service to the college was celebrated in the Luce Library on March 5, exactly 50 years and 5 days from the first time she walked across St. Mary's Pentagon. Alumni, retirees and college staff attended the event, and others sent e-mailed greetings. One came from FRED DOLL, Class of 1979, who lives in England: "What I recall most clearly is all the help that you gave me in researching the Soviet Merchant Marine, which served as the basis for much academic work at the school and an essay for the Propeller Club's national essay contest. As luck would have it, the essay won the contest and was reprinted in the trade press. This experience, and many others similar cases where I learned a great deal, would not have happened without you." [Yes, a great deal of teaching and learning takes place outside the classroom, often in the libraries, thanks to expert, dedicated professionals like Fil.]

"JOLTIN' JOE HAS LEFT AND GONE AWAY.'' - The flag flew at half mast in St. Mary's Pentagon this week to honor Bronx icon, Joseph Paul DiMaggio, the baseball great who had class, talent, and grace. His nickname, "Yankee Clipper," likened his gliding run in center field to the grace of a clipper ship under sail, so there IS a maritime connection. Actually, there is a SUNY Maritime connection, too. CADET PAUL J. DiMAGGIO, a member of the Class of 2002, is related to The Great Joe D. [Headline title from "Mrs. Robinson" by Paul Simon, baseball lore from JIM MIGLI, Phys. Ed. Dept.]

PRESIDENTIAL READING - President Clinton's vacation reading made the newspapers recently because he had to borrow cash from aides to buy four books while skiing in Utah. The books were by John Grisham, Octavio Paz, Raymond Chandler and STANLEY WOLPERT, Class of 1947, the author of "India." [Thanks to Jane B. Fitzpatrick, Associate Librarian, for spotting that item in USA Today, 3/3/99, 8A.]

STUDENT VOICES BELOW THE SURFACE - That is the working title for an exhibition which the Library is assembling from its Archives collection. Samples of "underground" cadet publications created during the past fifty years will be displayed. (These alternative cadet publications are another one of Maritime's traditions!) To date we have identified the following publications: Nine Bells, One Bell Too Many (1940s-1950s); Steam Tunnel Newsletter (1959); Periscope - the Underwater Porthole (1960's); What the hell is going on here anyway? (1970's); Maritime Voice (1980s); and Maritime Screw (1998 - present). Since these publications are fugitive, ephemeral by design, and frequently undated we may have missed some. If NFFS readers can add additional names of titles, original issues, or provide other information about them, please contact

PARENTS' PIPELINE - The March issue of the Maritime Parents' Association newsletter has a new look. It features a substantial and informative article about student alcohol abuse at colleges and SUNY Maritime in particular, written by the Commandant of Cadets, CAPT. ROBERT J. WEAVER, Class of 1969. NFFS has a few extra issues of Pipeline which will be mailed on request. BTW - Visit the Parents' Association web site at: It's got bells and whistles.